Mehul Tours & Travel


Pushkar is located on the shore of Pushkar Lake, which has many ghats where pilgrims bathe.
Pushkar is also significant for its Gurdwaras for Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. …
Pushkar is famous for its annual fair (Pushkar Camel Fair) featuring a trading fete of cattle,
horses, and camels.
Pushkar is a much sought-after destination for tourists and devotees flocking to Rajasthan, it is
is a favored destination for thousands of tourists and devotees flocking to Rajasthan. Situated
at a height of 510 meters, Pushkar is surrounded by hillocks on three sides. The ‘Nag Pahar’,
literally meaning Snake Mountain, forms a natural border between Ajmer and Pushkar. Known
as ‘the rose garden of Rajasthan’, the essence of the famous Pushkar rose is exported all over
the world. Along with an interesting mythological history, a legacy of timeless architectural
heritage makes Pushkar a fascinating city.
According to legends, Lord Brahma, believed to be the creator of the universe, dropped a lotus
to the ground leading to the immediate creation of a lake. He then decided to name the place
after the flower, and thus the area got the name Pushkar. The city is home to the only temple
dedicated to Lord Brahma in the whole world. Hindus consider a journey to Pushkar to be the
ultimate pilgrimage that must be undertaken to attain salvation.
According to Hindu scriptures, the sacred Pushkar Lake is described as ‘Tirtha Raj’, the king of
all pilgrimage sites. No pilgrimage is considered complete without a dip in the holy lake.
Semi-circular in shape and about 8-10 meters deep, Pushkar Lake is surrounded by 52 bathing
ghats and over 400 temples, and is truly a magnificent sight to behold.

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